Saturday, February 22, 2025
Ramblings of a Sane but Angry Mind

THE Fight – Ramblings of a Sane but Angry Mind

So yesterday was probably my hardest day since November 8th.  I’ve been watching as the Screaming Orange Manchild has signed executive order, one after another, each to fulfill his campaign promises. I’ve watched but with the knowledge that there are procedures in place to prevent these from actually becoming long-term laws and procedures.  Yesterday was different.  With the stroke of his golden pen he caused actual pain and suffering to thousands of people, all across the WORLD.  People were “detained” or in reality, held prisoner, for hours, removed from planes, torn from family members, separated from communication that could provide them some assistance.  This is not the country I grew up in but yesterday it was.  Yesterday, just by the mere fact that I am a citizen of the United States, I became this terror.

The news was coming in so fast that it was impossible to keep up.  Each story worse than the last one.  Then protests began.  They began spur of the moment. They began all over this country as people, citizens like you and me, recognized that this ban on immigrants and refugees was in fact, horrifying.  Thousands of people said, “Not today.  Not my country. NO!”  They stood in protest.  They stood in support of the incoming people from other lands who certainly were terrified.  They stood and they stood and they were seen and they were the country that I grew up in.  They became me.

As the day wore on, the slings and arrows on my heart took a perilous toll.  I have been able to stay away from the hate zone.  I have been able to do what I need to from a place of love, love for humanity, love for my friends, love for myself.  Last night that love was black and blue and bleeding from what literally felt like a physical fight.  All day.

As I stayed on the verge of tears, I reached out and was fortunate to have someone able to talk me off the ledge.  Other friends helped in ways they don’t even know.

This morning, I woke up to a very bright sunshiny day!  Like it was made just for me!  My heart and soul loves bright sunshiny days!

It’s still a beautiful sunny day as I write this but I will say that I cried as I wrote parts about yesterday.  This made me realize again, how important it is to maintain our humanity.  Nothing done from a place of hate is ever effective.  The hardest struggle, I think, from here on until when this nightmare is finally over, is going to be to maintain our focus on what this battle is actually about.  We are fighting FOR PEOPLE!  Every horrible act that has come and will come out of the White House affects people, humans, US.  If we lose focus of this, I think, we will never win this battle for our lives.

  • Keep up the fight.
  • Maintain focus.
  • Have someone to talk you off the ledges.
  • Be the kind of human that humanity needs.
  • Love!  It is the strongest of our emotions as long as we take care of it.

Peace my friends!





Living liberal every day. Trying to make a difference every day. Embracing all people who need to be accepted as they are. "We make cool things happen in our own lives. Spread the cool." @juliewienke1