Saturday, February 22, 2025
Ramblings of a Sane but Angry Mind

This is US – Ramblings of a Sane but Angry Mind

So today, more than half of the country is in shock or mourning or both.  Our months of denial and wishful thinking are now behind us.  I venture to say that the greatest loss that any of us have suffered is our faith in humanity.  I will not tell any of you to “get over it.”  I would ask that you examine your feelings and find a way out of the darkness that they are providing.

You may ask if I’m still angry.  “HELL YES!”  I’m angry that the system we have relied on for fair government for over 200 years has so sorely failed us.  I’m angry that so many people in this day and age have lost the ability to think rationally and independently…… of others, of media, of rhetoric from all origins, of political parties.  I’m angry that this inability has caused so many people to believe lies and twisted versions of someone else’s reality. I’m angry that communication between groups with different views has come to a screeching halt all in the name of this election.  I’m angry that for at least the foreseeable future, I have to see the face of the Screaming Orange Manchild in any form or fashion.  Yes, I’m angry that this idiot has been elected and now is the President of the United States.

This brings me to today.  I am watching as my very good, very tender-hearted friends are being affected by this moment in history.  I’m trying to lift them up, encourage them, stop this assault on their spirits.  How am I able to take this road, you may ask?  Well, I wholly and adamantly refuse to allow this person, who should have been left as a stain on his daddy’s bed-sheets, to take my joy and love.  I refuse to allow him to steal this from my friends.  He will be gone, hopefully sooner than later, and all that we will be left with is what’s inside us.

I am hopeful for the near future.  “WHAT? HOW?”  I got to thinking about our history and how far we have come as a country.  I won’t go through all 200+ years but let’s take a quick look.

  • The founding fathers managed to come together and, despite considerable personal differences, agree on enough important concepts to form this country.
  • Slavery was fought for and against in a war where thousands of men died. A war that was fought with single shot rifles that had to be re-packed before each shot.  A war that tore this country literally in half.  And righteousness won!
  • In 1920, due to the diligent work of women all over the country, The 19th Amendment was passed and females began their ascent to no longer be second class citizens.  This was done all while they were still having to be housewives and full-time mothers.  The ability to vote was now a RIGHT for all women in this country.
  • The 1930’s brought The Great Depression and again, the people of this country persevered and came out on the other side.
  • 1939-1945 brought World War II not only to the world, but right here to our very own borders.  This war was fought and won with nothing but the sheer determination of people who knew that tyranny was wrong and must be stopped at all costs.  It showed the world that maniacal delusional dictators could still take over a country and kill people just because.  It opened our eyes to this and has made it possible to spot this when it has tried to arise again.
  • The 1960’s brought The Voting Rights Act as this country struggled with racial relations on all fronts.  Black people were now afforded the RIGHT to vote for how this country was run.  Hippies coursed through this county’s veins spreading love while expressing their discontent with “The System” and “The Man.”  What an important decade for everyone’s rights.
  • 1972 brought more rights for women as Roe v. Wade was upheld in the highest court in the land.  Title IX was also enacted, providing the end to discrimination based on sex in our education system.
  • As we sped through the 80’s, 90’s and 2000’s, we spread our wings as a country.  We discovered that we are all different but the same.  “You’ve Got Mail,” Myspace, cell phones, The Internet, Facebook…… these have all helped us realize that we are one humanity and that we are connected. Forget the “6 Degrees of Separation” game.  We are just all connected.
  • The 2010’s have brought to the forefront the differences in sexuality and that no matter your religious or personal beliefs, we, as United States citizens, all have fundamental rights and these shall not be diminished because of who we choose to have sex with or how we dress or what body parts we have.

This brings me to now, 2017, inauguration day, of probably one of the worse gatherings of cells and DNA to ever walk the planet.  The SOM wants to take away many of the rights that we have gained in this very short period of time.  And he appears to have support for this.  But what he apparently hasn’t realized (and here’s the point of the history lesson) is that we, THE PEOPLE, will not be tyrannized.  We fight and we overcome and we WIN!  We have all the power now!  We have an electronic network that has never before been used like it’s going to be used to fight the SOM and his ideas.  I do think that he has unchained a force that is more powerful than anything he has ever imagined in his gold plated palaces. He has poked only one bee’s hive but has unleashed ALL the drones! He will try and harm OUR HUMANITY.  He WILL NOT succeed!

So this is why I’m hopeful and not sad on this historic day.  This is why I will continue to uplift my friends and try and keep them from the darkness.  I believe in humanity but more importantly, I believe in LOVE. This is US! It’s all we have in the end.  Peace to you.



Living liberal every day. Trying to make a difference every day. Embracing all people who need to be accepted as they are. "We make cool things happen in our own lives. Spread the cool." @juliewienke1