Saturday, February 22, 2025
Ramblings of a Sane but Angry Mind

Rocks – Ramblings of a Sane but Angry Mind

“How can you still speak to your family knowing that they voted for tRump?”  “If you still associate with them, you’re not really supporting the cause of equality for everyone  because they are racist if they supported him and you are a silent racist then.”  “You’re not supporting enough causes.  You can’t only back one.  You’re a racist against the others.”

This is the crap I’m seeing everyday within groups of like-minded people who are ultimately all fighting for the same things.  This kind of crap is what makes me think that maybe the Democrats DID defeat themselves. UGH!

I’ve been out of the closet since I was 31 (22 years now.) I know for a fact that my ultra-Christian parents have prayed EVERY SINGLE DAY for those 22 years that I not be gay. Could I have chosen to cut them out of my life? Sure. Who would have benefited from this? NO ONE! I also know that my parents and sister voted for the Screaming Orange Manchild. Is it my choice to still have contact with them? Yes. Why? Because no one benefits by severing these ties. Am I condoning their vote by still talking to them? NO.  We don’t discuss politics for the very reason that we don’t agree. They KNOW how I feel about it.  I’ve told them. I don’t tolerate bigotry in my presence.  There is nothing more I can do when it comes to them. I choose to keep this relationship.

Have I severed ties with other people due to their support for the SOM? Yes. Life-long friends & relatives? HELL YES! What’s the difference? I have nothing to gain by maintaining these relationships and if they want to support the SOM, who thinks I should be subjected to an unwanted pregnancy & gay conversion therapy, they can support that shit without me around. These are my choices.

Do these choices make me less sincere in my fight for equality for EVERYONE? NO. Does the fact that I’m WHITE and gay make my fight for others less sincere than if I was black or brown or green and gay? HELL NO!

Everyone gets to their own places in their journeys at their own pace.  Do those who may be farther along the path get to throw rocks at the others behind us because they aren’t up to where we are? FUCK NO!   In fact, we need to be turning around and checking on them and encouraging them.  Sometimes, we even need to walk back to them and stay side by side for a while. This doesn’t diminish anything about our own progress; it just gives others the same chance to progress.

Successful teams have members who each excel at different things.  Rare is the team member who can play every position.  Even the coach usually doesn’t excel at everything.  No one has to ascribe to every single facet of the marginalized groups to be involved in fighting discrimination.  As Hillary Clinton said about raising children, “It takes a village.” It is going to take the village of humanity to finally end discrimination and we are all part of that village.





Living liberal every day. Trying to make a difference every day. Embracing all people who need to be accepted as they are. "We make cool things happen in our own lives. Spread the cool." @juliewienke1

6 thoughts on “Rocks – Ramblings of a Sane but Angry Mind

  • ssanfo

    Excellent post, Ju.

    I’m on the other side of it. I’m a parent, who was conservative and churchy, whose son came out at 14. I mourned for SIX MOTHERFUCKING YEARS. Six years I wasted lamenting, “Why me? Why did I fail? What did I do wrong? Where did I sin? What will my friends say? What will my church say? Can I even go to church? Why does God hate me?”

    I woke up sometime during the year my son turned 21 and said to myself, “Enough. Enough of this shit. You did the best you could in raising your kids and they are fan-fucking-tastic people. All you ever did was love them to the extreme. Fuck the world. Who gives a fuck what people think? Who gives a fuck about church? This was not my fault. This was not my failing. My children are beautiful and perfect and funny and wise. I am not going to waste any more time wallowing in self pity or shame. My child’s journey is different from my journey. I’m trying to make this about myself, and it’s not. I’m going to continue to love my kids and support them and…and just like that, a weight was lifted. I WAS FREE!”

    Now, I still consider myself a Christian, albeit a very foul mouthed one. I still believe that God loves me and my family. I just no longer subscribe to the thought that Christians have the answers to everything. I became a liberal at the moment I realized that my kid’s struggle was his struggle and not mine, but that I could support him and love him and help him in his struggle. And, dammit, that’s what I’m going to do.

    And, you shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free…

    • All children, gay or not gay, need parents like this!

  • ssanfo,

    I’m glad that you finally realized that you didn’t fail. If only more people could realize that being gay isn’t a choice, and it’s not something you can pray away, we’d be a lot better off.

  • Belinda

    Great points in your article. I particularly appreciated this part…

    ” In fact, we need to be turning around and checking on them and encouraging them. Sometimes, we even need to walk back to them and stay side by side for a while.”

    We are all on The Journey, and travel at different paces, as you said. Those “ahead” of others have a moral obligation to check on the ones behind us.

    Stand up, speak up, and act up!

  • aprilallred

    This was great. Wish I had read it sooner.

    • Thanks friend!

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