Sunday, February 23, 2025
Ramblings of a Sane but Angry Mind

Whiners – Ramblings of a Sane but Angry Mind

As we all progress towards 12/19/16 where hopefully there will be enough Faithless Electors to stop the tRump goosestep towards the White House, I had these thoughts….

Too many people in the country have become a large contingent of whiners.  I’m not talking about the protesters who are making their discontent with the election known in large crowds across the country.  They are the opposite of what I’m talking about.

I’m talking about anyone who wants to blame the fact that they voted 3rd party on the DNC for not having a “good enough” candidate.  “It’s not my fault I didn’t vote for Hillary.  There was no other choice.” Waaah!  “No, my vote for ________ (fill in the blank,) DID NOT count for tRump. I didn’t vote for tRump.  I voted on my principles, dammit.” Waaah Waaah!  Stop whining and complaining about the DNC not giving you a good candidate and own up to the fact that you are partly to blame for the mess we’re in.  If you have convictions, assert them in an intelligent manner.

I’m talking about people who SAY they have principles, such as Art Sisneros, a Texas Elector.  Up until today, he was very much ready to cast his vote for Clinton and be a Faithless Elector.  He had a chance to make history.  Real, life-changing history!  But he decided that he just couldn’t do it.  He knows that tRump is evil and that Clinton is the right choice but, Namby Pamby to his rescue.  He withdrew from his position as an elector.  Just couldn’t take the heat.  But by god, he’s got convictions…just doesn’t want to stand on them.  Waaah Waaah Waaah!

With the path being forged by a vast number of people in this country, we are doomed.  If it weren’t for people with convictions who were willing to suffer for them and die for them, we would still be a British Colony.  Texas would be known as Northern Mexico.  We would still have slavery.  We would still have white men being the only ones with a right to vote.  We would still have women dying at alarming rates from poor and/or illegal health care.

Have convictions.  I may not agree with them, but I’ll respect the hell out of you for having convictions AND being willing to stand up and fight for them.  Stop whining and fight! Your future depends on it.


Living liberal every day. Trying to make a difference every day. Embracing all people who need to be accepted as they are. "We make cool things happen in our own lives. Spread the cool." @juliewienke1