Thursday, March 6, 2025
Ramblings of a Sane but Angry Mind

BLAME – Ramblings of a Sane but Angry Mind

As I was sitting behind a car at a light this morning, unable to take my eyes off of the tRump sticker on the back window, this actually came out of my mouth.

“F**king idiot! It’s all your fault. Every f**king one of you and all the 3rd party “principle” voters. F**k you all!”

I still flip off the 2 tRump sign houses that I pass on my way to work every single day. And I vehemently mean it! I’m not going to “play nice” with these people. I’m going to stop blaming the media and the Cheeto’s Naziesque charisma and the churches and I REFUSE to blame the Democrats because they “should have run a better candidate.” I will continue, until the end, to blame EVERY SINGLE PERSON who voted for the Screaming Yam, “Alepo” Johnson, What’s-Her-Name Stein and those who wrote in Bernie Sanders or f**king Mickey Mouse. I will no longer try and engage them and get answers to “Why did you vote for _____?” I don’t care!

By the time a person reaches voting age, I expect them to have the wherewithal to THINK and take responsibility and care about their own future. I expect them to be able to get up by themselves and get dressed and tie their own shoes and brush their teeth and go out and vote for a responsible person to run this country…. not some ratings whore, flavor-of-the-month, winter sweeps TV character better suited to be on American Horror Story meets SVU than in politics. Obviously, my standards are too high but as I said last night in a conversation, I WILL NOT LOWER MY STANDARDS.

I will continue to blame every single one of these mother-f**kers for this disaster until it is finally over! Am I angry? You better f**king believe I’m angry!



Living liberal every day. Trying to make a difference every day. Embracing all people who need to be accepted as they are. "We make cool things happen in our own lives. Spread the cool." @juliewienke1